Sarah Jane Humphrey,
Botanical Illustrator

Royal Horticultural Society Gold Medal Award winner for the 2018 Botanical Art Show, ‘Medicinal Plants and their Symbiosis with Pollinators’.


“Sarah Jane Humphrey is a natural science illustrator and graduate of the Honours Degree Programme in Illustration at Falmouth University. Sarah focuses on botanical subject matter and works extensively across a range of applications from publishing to research. She approaches her work with intellectual curiosity and academic scrutiny with theme and adherence to scientific accuracy being of paramount importance. Sarah employs a visual language that has great aesthetic sensibility, her traditional paintings rendered with a unique combination of Victorian Age stylisation in a 21st century context. I am extremely proud to be able to include Sarah’s work in the revised edition of my book ‘Illustration: A Theoretical and Contextual Perspective’ (Bloomsbury) to be published early 2017.”

Professor Alan Male
Professor Emeritus of Falmouth University: Academic, Author and Illustrator
