May 8th Springtime Workshop

May 8th Springtime workshop.jpg

Monday 8th May 2017

The next Botanical Illustration workshop coming up is to be held at the Truro Arts Company, in Cornwall. This will be a Springtime orientated class, with seasonal flowers and foliage to study.

We will be looking at the basics of drawing and observing our subjects before getting into full colour illustrations using colour pencil crayon and watercolours/ gouache paint. The class is suitable for all Artists, from beginners to those who want to perfect their skills. Learning techniques I practice within my own Botanical Illustration.

As with the usual classes of mine held in the gorgeous light and airy mezzanine situated above the Art store, there will be a chance to purchase a selection of drinks throughout the day, and order lunch from the restaurant menu. Expect seasonal healthy dishes prepared in the restaurant and a selection of delicious cakes, if you fancy a treat! I will bring along some additional materials if anyone is short, and there is a fabulous selection of products in the Art shop downstairs.

To buy tickets please use this link, or pop into the Truro Art Company. Bare in mind the spaces are limited, so please do book a space avoid disappointment. If you can’t make this date, there will be two more this year, in Truro.




Open Studios Workshop Cornwall


The Lady of Shallot